
List of Services

Prenatal Consultation

In Office, In Home, or Virtual

Postpartum Lactation Consultation

In Office, In Home, or Virtual

Back-to-Work Pumping Consultation

Create a plan to return to work, whether you work from home or need to return to the office.

Flange-Fitting Consultation

Most pumping parents are using the wrong sized flanges. Meet with your lactation consultant for a proper fitting to obtain paib free pumping and optimal milk output.

Breast or Bottle Refusal

Meet with your Lactation Consultant to troubleshoot bottle or breast refusal

Weaning Consultation

Meet with your lactation consutlant to come up with a plan to wean your baby off the breast or bottle.

Bereavement Consultation (free of charge)

Please contact for a free of charge appointment to develop a plan after a loss.Â